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The ParaPod A Very British Ghost Hunt 2020

Ian Boldsworth and Barry Dodds visit the most haunted village in the world, the home of the world's most violent poltergeist, the underground labyrinths of Edinburgh, and everywhere in between.
5.9/10 IMDb
Documentary,Comedy,Horror As a fan of comedy and a sceptic with passion for the paranormal, I absolutely loved this film. It combined my love of the paranormal with the sceptical and rational frustration I feel when on ghost hunts with members of the public. Although delivered through bunter and laughs, there's actually a good balance of believer/sceptic, and the film delves into some pretty deep feelings relating to the stars' differing beliefs. The movie is genuinely a laugh-out-loud comedy. It's an incredibly watchable and fun journey that follows two friends, taking their debate about the existence of the paranormal further than any listeners of the original podcast it spawned from could imagine. At the moment the movie is touring selected cinemas, but if you're a fan of Ian and Barry's work, or just into the paranormal, then this movie really is for you - make sure you don't miss the chance to see it and laugh along with a cinema audience. Even those who weren't listeners of the podcast who I dragged along to the cinema from the paranormal community loved it, proving that this movie is a standalone success.